Zen Leadership” – Zen Leadership
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Zen Leadership”

ZL1 participants sitting around table
Joy!—A Vital Tool And Signal For Leaders

Bringing joy to politics or leadership is about more than feeling good, as joy plays a dual role of galvanizing a following and signaling that we’re on the right track.

Ernie Capbert at Zen Leader FEBI as a Key Tool in Integrating Energy to Create Stronger, More Resilient Teams

FEBI, the mind-body assessment from IZL, reminds us in the words of Kate Watters, that “none of us have to be everything” and each and all of us have access to an array of energies than we can use judiciously on our teams.

Being Moved by Movingness

A conversation with Peter Appel about the purpose and essence of Movingness and how he recently founded it as a somatic movement practice.

Politics And Resonance—And How You Can Apply The Same Principle

Examining how resonance works in high-profile political leadership offers guidance to all leaders on how to get it working for them.

From Chaos to Clarity: Embracing the Zen Leader

Michael Basil, an upcoming Zen Leader Coach, shares the story of how he found IZL and how it has influenced his life.

Fourth Person Knowing: A New, Yet Old, Way For Leadership Insight

Fourth-person knowing can help us address the intractable issues of today. Here’s a way to access it using Circle Practice.

My Surprisingly Deep Transformational Journey With FEBI

Brad Reed, FEBI Coach and transformational coach, shares his personal transformational journey with FEBI.

How You Can Use Thought Strategically—So Thought Doesn’t Use You

We can either use thought strategically to realize heartfelt intents or we can be used by habits of thought to separate from the present moment, causing problems for ourselves and others.

How To Face A Mess – The First Flip of Zen Leadership

The world is a messy place. How do you face messes like these and still authentically add your value? Make the flip from Coping To Transforming.