Zen Instructor Categories – Zen Leadership
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Zen Instructor

Bob Caron

Education Consultant, Deloitte, IZL Instructor & Coach

Dr. Bob Caron is a certified instructor of Zen Leadership and a FEBI Certified Coach. He brings a dynamic and caring presence to the team and seeks to guide leaders, entrepreneurs and anyone trying to make a difference in the world toward their true purpose and passion.

Alex Greene

Zen Instructor

Alex Greene is a long-time Zen practitioner and Zen priest in the lineage of Tenshin Tanouye Roshi, Founding Abbot of Chozen-ji a Rinzai Zen Temple. He has been a core part of building the Spring Green location of Chosei Zen Dojo of Wisconsin and has taught in numerous IZL programs in the US and UK.

Adrienne Hampton, MD

Zen and HEAL Instructor

Adrienne Hampton, MD is Integrative Medicine residency curriculum director at the University of Wisconsin Madison Family Medicine Residency. She provides a patient-centered blend of Integrative and Allopathic primary care, as well as Integrative Medicine consultations with a focus on one on one therapeutic yoga and meditation. Adrienne is an ordained priest and instructor in the Chosei lineage of Zen.

Andy Robins

Roshi and ZL Instructor & Coach

An executive coach, former businessman, and ex-Royal Navy field gunner, Andy Robins felt like he was coming home as he experienced his first IZL program in 2013 at the Spring Green Dojo. He became pivotal in expanding Zen Leadership to Europe and Asia and is now growing Zen and Zen Leadership training in the UK where he lives with his family.

Rebecca Ryan

Roshi, Zen and ZL Instructor

Rebecca Ryan is a futurist and economist who helps public sector leaders “lead fearlessly”. She’s a ZL instructor and has served previously as Board chair of the Institute for Zen Leadership

Ginny Whitelaw

Roshi, Founder

Ginny Jiko Whitelaw is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Zen Leadership, a Zen Master, scientist, and expert in developing the whole leader.