Coping – Zen Leadership
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ZL1 participants sitting around table
How To Face A Mess – The First Flip of Zen Leadership

The world is a messy place. How do you face messes like these and still authentically add your value? Make the flip from Coping To Transforming.

Bread and Circuses: Leading Beyond Distractions

Dr. Whitelaw reflects on all of the catastrophes that are happening around the world. She reminds us that flipping from coping to transforming can help everyone face into any challenge they encounter.

Slow is Steady, Steady is Fast

In the rebranding exercise, the title of ‘The Slow Coach’ seems to fit the times, as my coaching practice appears to be taken up with clients all trying to go too fast.

On the Road

On the Road

Jul 13 2020

Andy Robins shares what he’s learned living out of the back of a Transit Van as he and his family travel England in the pandemic…

stressed woman How to recognize – and free yourself – from coping mode.

  I was in a conversation recently with some other coaches that really struck home. We were talking about one of our biggest challenges –…