Focus Energy Balance Indicator – Zen Leadership
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Focus Energy Balance Indicator

A Year In Review

A Year In Review

Jan 07 2017

Ah-h-h-h, reveling in this relatively quiet week between the flurry of holidays – a good time to put one year in review and look ahead…

Empowering the Performance Review

It’s that time of the year again and, no, I don’t mean decorated trees, peppermint mocha lattes and overcrowded shopping centers.  If you or your…

Feeling Low?

Feeling Low?

Jul 29 2016

Have you ever had a client with each pattern showing up low? This article provides examples of workplace behaviors that can be see for each…

Video Energizer

Video Energizer

Mar 04 2016

Need to gain focus and energy quickly? Check out this new video that shows you a quick tip on how to create focus and energy…

Santa flying in the sunlight Darkness and Light

The winter solstice is upon us: the darkest time of the year in this northern hemisphere. And with the recent terrorism in Paris and San…

white water rapids Developing Leadership Agility

“Probably the most important competency for leaders to have in today’s rapidly changing world.” What could be so powerful and important to leadership that would…

Zen Leadership and six perfections Leading into the Six Perfections

Ginny Whitelaw for Integral Post: November 11th, 2014 It’s wonderful to see Ken Wilber’s  Fourth Turning of Buddhism  emerge this summer, along with the conference…

FEBI learning lounge banner Wellness Retreat with FEBI

Antimo Cimino is a FEBI-Certified Coach who has combined his passion for movement and wellness with experiential travel.  We’ve invited Antimo to share with the…

FEBI learning lounge banner Chop, Chop, On Time

Guest blogger, Theo Cade, shares his experience of working with Driver energy.  Driver is not always the pattern we think of for interpersonal harmony, but in…