Meditation Practice
Dr. Whitelaw shares a story from IZL instructor Dr. Kristi Crymes. Dr. Crymes is helping to hold space for circle gathering that are changing lives and building community.
Jasleen Kaur and Kelly Bannister share the real journey of an IZL instructor.
Dr. Whitelaw reminds us that in this Age of Resilience, we need to remember our one-withness.
Dr. Whitelaw explores the connection between AI and climate change. She offers 3 internal and external practices for leaders in these times.
Dr. Whitelaw explores the connection between AI and climate change. She offers 3 internal and external practices for leaders in these times.
Dr. Whitelaw explores our relationship to time. Technology is helping time “speed up” while Dr. Whitelaw invites us to slow down.
Not sure if my teachers will roll their eyes or applaud me, but I’ve finally hit on a time and place for meditation that seems…