Time – Zen Leadership
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Try On A New Relationship With Time

Dr. Whitelaw explores our relationship to time. Technology is helping time “speed up” while Dr. Whitelaw invites us to slow down.

The Real Source of Certainty

With a little help from Ginny and Gordon, I realised my last blog post (pondering on thought vs action) was rooted in a personal dilemma – I needed to make a giant leap but my concerns over financial security were holding me back. Actually, it was worse than that.

The Time for Thought and Action

Coronavirus has amplified my preoccupation with thought vs action. For those of us who score high in the FEBI© Visionary category, 12 weeks of lockdown limiting external distractions is verdant breeding ground for introspection.

FEBI learning lounge banner 4 Leaders, 4 Relationships to Time, and Why It Matters

I’m inspired by a great article Rhonda Morton shared a few days ago by Marla Popova on our psychological relationship to time and how time…