Insights Blog
Welcome! We’re happy to share with you some of the wisdom of our community. Get to know us better and add your voice.
- 4 Energy Patterns
- 4 Patterns
- 4th-person knowing
- 1440
- 1440 Multiversity
- Absence
- Acceptance
- Agile
- AI
- Andy Robins
- Anne Masten
- Antenna to Arrow
- Artificial Intelligence
- autonomic nervous system
- Autopilot
- Awareness
- Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
- B-F- van Heel
- bamboo
- Behavior
- Being Present
- belongingness
- Bill George
- Bio-leadership
- Black Lives Matter
- blowing dharma
- Body
- Body Mind Connection
- BodyZen
- Brad Reed
- Braiding Sweetgrass
- Brain Chemistry
- Brand
- Brave
- breath
- breath control
- breathe
- breathing
- bullies
- bully
- Captain Marvel
- Captain Marvel Journal
- Carols
- Centeredness
- Change
- Chaos
- ChatGPT
- chi
- Chicago
- Chosei Zen
- Chozen-ji Zen
- Chris Niebauer
- Christmas
- Circle Practice
- Cleveland Clinic
- Cliamte crisis
- Climate
- Climate Change
- Co-create
- Co-Regulation
- Coaching
- Coaching with FEBI
- Coll
- Collaborator
- Collective
- Collective Unconscious
- Communication
- community
- Community
- Compromise
- Conflict
- connection
- Connection
- Consciousness Hacking
- Contract
- Control
- Conventions
- COP28
- Coping
- Coping To Transforming
- courage
- COVID-19
- Culture
- Curiosity
- Cushion
- Cycle
- Daikozen-Ji
- Dan Siegel
- David Hinton
- death
- Democracy
- Democrats
- Derek Chauvin
- dharma bamboo
- Dilts Pyramid
- Discomfort
- Disconnected
- Disruption
- division
- Donald Trump
- Driver
- Duke University
- Eckhart Tolle
- Ecosystem
- ego
- Ego
- Election
- Eleven Rings
- embodied
- Embodied Energy
- embodied leadership
- Embodied Leadership
- Embodied Work
- Embodiment
- Embrace change
- Emergency Response
- Emotional Intelligence
- Empathy
- Empower
- energy
- Energy
- Energy Patterns
- enthusiasm
- envisioning the future
- Eva Pomeroy
- Executive Presence
- Executives
- Expand
- Explore
- Facing The Hungry Ghost
- Family
- Fear
- Fearless
- Fearlessness
- FEBI certified
- FEBI Energy Patterns
- Feedback loops
- Feeling
- Flipping the voice of resistance
- Flow
- Food is Medicine
- Forbes
- Freaking Out
- Freedom Inc
- From Coping To Transforming
- Functional Freeze
- Future
- Futurist
- generative medicine
- George Floyd
- Ginny Whitelaw
- Giving
- Giving Is Receiving
- Global social witnessing
- Gordon Greene Roshi
- Gratitude
- Gregory Bateson
- Grounding
- Guy Claxton
- Habit
- Hamilton
- Hara
- Hara Breathing
- hara centeredness
- harameter
- harmonize
- Harvard Business Review
- HBR Study
- Healing
- healthcare
- Healthcare
- Healthcare Professionals
- healthcare system
- HealthScripts
- Heart Math Institute
- High-Performing
- Holistic
- Holistic Leadership
- Home
- hotchiku
- How
- I Don't know
- I don't know
- Ilarion Merculieff
- illusion of certainty
- Indigenous wisdom
- Individual
- Inner Critic
- inner voice
- Institute for Zen Leadership
- Institution for Zen Leadership
- Integral Life
- Integral Post
- Integral Theory
- Integration
- Intelligence in the Flesh
- interaction
- Interconnected
- Interconnected Universe
- interconnectedness
- internal work
- Iya Tahirah Abubakr
- Jeremy Rifkin
- Joe Biden
- Joel Barker
- Jon Meacham
- Journey
- Joy
- Kamala Harris
- Katelyn Jatelina
- Keishin
- Ken Wilber
- Kevin Cashman
- kintsugi
- knowing
- Korn Ferry
- Kosha Joubert
- Labels
- Lead with Purpose
- Leader
- Leaders
- leadership
- Leadership
- Leadership and Practice
- Leadership Development
- Leadership Energy Patterns
- Leadership from the Inside out
- Leadership Retreat
- Leadership Skills
- Leadership Without Easy Answers
- Learn
- Letting Go
- limbo
- limiting beliefs
- Limiting Habits
- limitless opportunity
- Listen
- Liz Wiseman
- Lockdown
- Loneliness
- Loss
- Lyn-Manuel Miranda
- Ma
- Malcolm Gladwell
- mandela
- Manual Labor
- Mark Walsh
- Meaning
- medicine
- Meditation
- Meditation Practice
- Meltdown
- Michael Beschloss
- Michael Singer
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Mind
- mind-body
- Mind-Body Connection
- Mindset
- Mindvalley
- Mirror Neurons
- Movement
- Moving Forward
- Movingness
- Mu
- Multiversity
- Nature
- nelson mandela
- Neurobiology of We
- New Year
- Nikki Jackman
- Nikki Jackman Joy
- No Answer
- No self, No Problem – How Neuropsychology is catching up to Buddhism
- no separation
- Norma Wong
- Normal
- Norman Garmezy
- Norris Hansell
- Nutrition
- Observe
- Omori Sogen Roshi
- One with
- One-Withness
- Orchid
- Organizer
- Otto Scharmer
- Overcoming Fear
- Ownership
- pain
- pandemic
- Pandemic
- Paradox
- Patience
- Perfection
- Perfectionist
- permaculture
- PermaLeadership
- perspective
- Perspective
- Peter Appel
- Phil Jackson
- Physical Shift
- Physical Training
- Physical Zen Training
- Physics
- Play
- Pocket Project
- political divide
- Positive Psychology
- Poverty
- Practice
- Presence
- Present
- President
- Presidential Primary Season
- Public Health
- purpose
- Rachel Maddow
- racial justice
- racism
- radical
- Radical Leadership
- Radicalized
- Rainer Maria Rilke
- Rebecca Ryan
- Recieving
- Refugees
- regenerative
- Relationship
- Relationships
- Republicans
- Repurpose You
- resilience
- resonance
- Resonate
- Rev. angel Kyodo Williams
- Rhythm
- Ro-buki
- Rober Dilts
- Robin Wall Kimmerer
- Ronald Heifetz
- Rumi
- Samadhi
- samu
- Schismogenesis
- SEAL teams
- Self Awareness
- Self care
- Self-Transcendence
- Sense
- Separation
- Sesshin
- shakuhachi
- shugyo
- slow
- Slow
- Slow Coach
- Slow Down
- slowing down
- Smooth
- Social Contract
- Social Justice
- Social Science
- somatic
- somatic movement
- Spiritual
- Spirituality
- staff
- Steve Jobs
- Stomp
- strawberry
- Stream
- Strength
- Strengths
- String Theory
- Strong Woman
- Stuck
- Success
- suffering
- Support
- Surangama Sutra
- Sustainability
- Synchronicity
- systemic view
- Tai Chi
- Tanouye Roshi
- Taoism
- team
- Teams
- Teamwork
- Terry LePage
- The Age Of Resilience
- The Inconvenient Truth
- The Leadership Pause
- The Mind-Body Way
- The Untethered Soul
- The Zen Leader
- Theory of Everything
- Theory Of Everything
- Time
- tipping point
- tolerate
- training
- Training
- Transformation
- Transformative Technology
- transforming
- Transitions
- trauma
- triggered
- Triggered
- True North
- Trump
- Trust
- trust connection
- Truth
- Ukraine
- uncertainty
- Unity
- unknown
- Upper Right Corner
- Vegetables
- Venezuelan Migrants
- Vibrations
- Vietnam
- Virtual Dojo
- vision
- Visionary
- Voice of Resistance
- volunteer
- Walt Whitman
- Warmth
- Warner Burke
- Waves
- What Great CEOs Do Differently
- When No Thing Works
- William Keepin
- Wisdom
- Wisdom Weavers of the World
- Wise Words
- women
- Women
- Work-Life Balance
- World Systems Solutions
- Yael Zeligman-Merculieff
- Zazen
- Zen
- Zen Leader
- Zen Leader 2
- Zen Leader 3
- Zen Leadership
- Zen Meditation
- Zen Practice
- Zen training
- Zen Training
- ZL Series

Zen Leader Blog
Marcus Trapp
Zen Leader Blog
Marcus Trapp
Playground Leadership: In The Age Of Bully Leaders, Where Is Our Mandela?
Andy Robins wonders about world leaders and ponders Nelson Mandela's courage.