FEBI Ecosystem
By Jasleen Kaur, IZL Instructor and FEBI Enthusiast
Hi IZL Community,
My name is Jasleen and I am one of the volunteers and instructors with IZL, doing what I do best: being myself and exciting others with my ‘FEBI Craze’.
When I first started thinking about what to write for this article, I couldn’t find a way to sum up the multitude of things I had to say. I took many walks around my neighborhood trying to summarize my feelings, but it was always so overwhelming. One morning I found myself sitting under an old tree with an expansive canopy. I looked at its twisted bark, its old branches, and the rustling green leaves. It looked strong and sturdy, having seen so much of life. And then I witnessed the many lives it hosted – the chirping birds, the scurrying insects, the crawling lizards, and me enjoying the shade and the oxygen. One tree made itself home and was giving itself to so many different lives.
As I zoomed out, I also realized how the tree received from these lives, creating a harmonious ecosystem and coexisting in an intricate way. In an instant, I realized that this is exactly how I feel when I am in a space with my IZL community. My journey has given me insight into what it means to give without expecting anything back. It has also shown me how when you immerse yourself in giving, you receive in far more abundance, and in ways you never imagined!
I joined IZL in 2019 as a scholarship student. The knowledge and tools imparted through the program were so valuable that I began to dream of ways I could introduce this learning to more people who would benefit from it. I wondered in what way I could support this organization to achieve this dream. So I decided to give what I had – my time. I started by supporting social media, moved to being a part of the communications team and gradually I found other things I knew how to improve, and I worked on them with absolute involvement.
I was welcomed with open arms. I always came up with ideas enthusiastically and the team encouraged me and were grateful for what I brought to the table. Before I knew it, I was setting up the operational process for newsletters and exploring new ways people could collaborate and how FEBI could become a signature tool for more leadership coaches. I kept giving because it was being received with grace.
Giving cannot happen without receiving. The word itself means nothing without its opposite, right? Many forget that we are born to serve. This body is a means to do just that. We all must find our place and our methods to serve. Mine happens to be bringing FEBI to the world.
Oh yes, FEBI is my love. If you did not already know, FEBI (Focus Energy Balance Indicator) gives insight into the energy patterns of your personality. It is the only validated psychometric instrument that goes beyond your head and measures the energy patterns of the whole mind body through our nervous system.
FEBI came into my life when I was feeling defeated. I knew what I wanted, I could plan for it, I could even start it, and then I would get stuck. I could spend hours organizing my thoughts and the best ways to do things, but when it came to action, I felt “I AM STUCK!!” However, FEBI revealed to me that I was not. I was just overusing my organizer, and I did not trust my driver to do what it did best–drive–because it was not supported by collaborative energy or seeing a clear vision worth driving for.
FEBI does not put you in a box but instead gives you the vocabulary to see what is happening in the body and hence, how you show up in the world.
I wanted to talk here about my journey of giving and receiving, but once I start talking about FEBI – I realize I am always on the receiving end of this beautiful knowledge. This is my method of giving. But for others, it can differ. It can be supporting the cause financially, spreading the word, or finding their own unique way to support. The intention to give is what matters.
I dream of a thriving ecosystem where just as all of us receive from FEBI and IZL, we can also give in whatever way we can. Each person has a role to play, and I hope that over time, we strengthen this wonderful community of practitioners invested in taking these learnings to their respective ecosystems. The giving and receiving continues through criss-crossing universes.
There is so much more I wish to share but allow me to wrap up here. I sign off with a promise that I will share more of my stories and how this space is healing my wounds and giving me opportunities to be the best instructor I can possibly be. I also look forward to expanding this community and collaborating with more FEBI crazy coaches.
With much love, gratitude, and contentment.
Jasleen Kaur is an IZL Instructor, volunteer and FEBI Enthusiast.