From Ginny – Zen Leadership – Page 2
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From Ginny (Page 2)

ZL1 participants sitting around table
The Active Leadership Ingredients That Turn Food Into Medicine

Dr. Whitelaw shares a story from IZL instructor Dr. Kristi Crymes. Dr. Crymes is helping to hold space for circle gathering that are changing lives and building community.

Leading In The Age Of Resilience

Dr. Whitelaw reminds us that in this Age of Resilience, we need to remember our one-withness.

We Won’t Be Smarter Or Faster Than AI, But Here’s A Way To Be Wiser

Dr. Whitelaw explores the connection between AI and climate change. She offers 3 internal and external practices for leaders in these times.

How To Use AI In Service Of Life: 3 Practices For Leaders

Dr. Whitelaw explores the connection between AI and climate change. She offers 3 internal and external practices for leaders in these times.

Try On A New Relationship With Time

Dr. Whitelaw explores our relationship to time. Technology is helping time “speed up” while Dr. Whitelaw invites us to slow down.

What AI Can’t Do And What Great Leaders Will Do

Dr. Whitelaw explores artificial intelligence and how leaders can move with this new technology. She also shows leaders how they can move beyond AI.

Leaders: How Do We Tell The Story Of The Future We Want And Invite Others Into It?

Dr. Whitelaw invites leaders to pay attention to the stories they tell and put their energy into, and ways to invite others into those stories.

The Leadership Superpower For Positive Change In The Climate Crisis

Dr. Whitelaw explores the steps companies can take to do purposeful work to go green while remaining profitable.

Greenbacks Versus Going Green—What’s A Leader To Do?

Dr. Whitelaw explores the steps companies can take to do purposeful work to go green while remaining profitable.