Samadhi – Zen Leadership
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ZL1 participants sitting around table
Leading In The Age Of Resilience

Dr. Whitelaw reminds us that in this Age of Resilience, we need to remember our one-withness.

We Won’t Be Smarter Or Faster Than AI, But Here’s A Way To Be Wiser

Dr. Whitelaw explores the connection between AI and climate change. She offers 3 internal and external practices for leaders in these times.

How To Use AI In Service Of Life: 3 Practices For Leaders

Dr. Whitelaw explores the connection between AI and climate change. She offers 3 internal and external practices for leaders in these times.

Try On A New Relationship With Time

Dr. Whitelaw explores our relationship to time. Technology is helping time “speed up” while Dr. Whitelaw invites us to slow down.