Institute For Zen Leadership – Zen Leadership
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Connecting at an IZL program

Disturbed waters. Dysfunctional systems. Disrupted plans.
It can be hard to stay energized and effective,
Or make a positive difference.
And yet, you’re committed to doing so.

we Equip you with physical zen training and the leadership
skills most needed today

Radial logo over group in field

So that you can lead beyond doubt, fear and ego,
Get others resonating with you.
And make your greatest difference with joy, wisdom and wonder.

It’s life-changing, unbelievable. There’s nothing else like this out there. The Zen Leader courses are fire.”

Ernie Capbert at Zen Leader

HERE ARE SOME of the endless possibilities from leaders who have trained with us:

A physician accepts a promotion to lead a department at a major university, saying she felt readied by IZL training, and in her first year is awarded faculty director of the year.

An artist ups her game to create fearlessly and
teach others how to do the same.

A medical director improves and inspires her department by putting meditation cushions in her office, where employees now gather for meditation and deeper conversations.

A corporate leader re-evaluates her career and finds a new purposefulness that she is determined to grow into.

A tired but talented technology leader describes “coming home to himself” as he learns to connect with hara and expand his senses.

A physician suffering from burnout says at the close of a ZL program this is the first time she has “felt whole”.

A somatic coach learns to work with the 4 energy patterns and radically expands her business.

A physician remembers to embody the first flip – center, enter, add value – as she engages each patient.

The Experience

Prepare to expand your sense of self,
transform relationships, and become
a powerful force for positive change.

Hear founder, Dr. Ginny Whitelaw,
speak to what makes IZL programs
unique and how they can help
you live and lead your best life.

Our Platinum Rating from GuideStar Candid reflects our commitment to full transparency in how donations are applied.

explore our
Certification Pathways

pathway overview

Discover our 5 pathways and the right one for you

Zen Leader practitioner

The Way for people committed to be a positive force

HEAL practitioner

The Way for leaders and practitioners in healthcare

FEBI Coach

The Way for coaches to learn a powerful mind-body tool

Zen Leadership coach

The Way for coaches to work with the radical “flips” of ZL

zen leadership instructor

The Way for those who want to teach ZL

Upcoming Programs:

FEBI-4U: Aug 2024

August 27

Explore your personality through 4 mind-body energy patterns and learn to access whichever serves best.

Master Class: Sept 2024

September 12 – September 15

Annual training for coaches and instructors of Zen Leadership.

FEBI Certification: Fall 2024

September 24 – November 5

Add this powerful mind-body personality assessment to your coaching and facilitation.

white water rapids

HEAL1: Sept 2024

September 26 – September 29

Apply the basic flips of ZL to healthcare with results and resilience in this accredited program.

Zen Leader 1: Sept 2024

September 26 – September 29

Embody the basic flips of Zen Leadership from transforming problems to realizing a desired future.

Zen Leader 2: Oct 2024

October 24 – October 27

Experience the freedom of reframing fears and conflict and the power of strengthening relationships.

partner & Upcoming Events

Check back later for upcoming events!

Not sure where to get started? No problem.
Let us know your interest and we’ll be happy to connect you
with the right person or program.


from our community
Fourth Person Knowing: A New, Yet Old, Way For Leadership Insight

Fourth-person knowing can help us address the intractable issues of today. Here’s a way to access it using Circle Practice.

My Surprisingly Deep Transformational Journey With FEBI

Brad Reed, FEBI Coach and transformational coach, shares his personal transformational journey with FEBI.

How You Can Use Thought Strategically—So Thought Doesn’t Use You

We can either use thought strategically to realize heartfelt intents or we can be used by habits of thought to separate from the present moment, causing problems for ourselves and others.