Cris Nakano
Director In Europe and ZL Instructor & Coach
Cris Nakano feels truly alive when she is moving with intensity and purpose. For years, this meant pushing her body through a constant flow of frantic activity to overcome obstacles and beat all expectations. It took her through a BSc in Economics, a Master of International Management, an MBA, over 20 years of successful positions in investment banking, consulting and pharma, 8 years of competitive badminton in the Brazilian national team, two Ironman triathlon races and a 110km ultra-trail run.
Since meeting Ginny in 2017, Cris has been cultivating a new way of feeling truly alive through the practices of Zen meditation, yoga and somatics, taking inspiration from the impermanence of the Alps. Her most recent project and aspiration is to bring Zen Leader programs closer to her peers in the corporate world and closer to her beloved mountains. Cris is a certified Zen Leader instructor, certified FEBI coach, faculty and Director for Europe of the Institute for Zen Leadership, leadership/career/life coach and clinical somatics practitioner in training.