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More HEALing Resources for those of you working in healthcare

We thank you, all of you working in healthcare, for your extraordinary efforts in this coronavirus pandemic. Here we offer resources from our Zen community and HEAL leadership programs to help you better handle the burden, or access the possibilities, of these difficult times. Feel free to share with your healthcare colleagues

Transform Your Capacity to Respond

Dr. Elizabeth Warner discusses two techniques that Zen Leaders may recognize, after a fashion: Flipping the Frame and Generative Questions. In these videos, she discusses application of these techniques under COVID-19 conditions.

Video 1: From Stressed Out Crazy to Possibility (13 min). An interview with Dr. Elizabeth Warner, physician and leader, who applies the two Conversations Worth Having practices in her work. She shares stories of asking generative questions to shift negativity, frustration, and anxiety making way for connection and resilience with herself and her staff.

Video 2: From Scarcity to Abundance (9 min). An interview with Dr. Elizabeth Warner, physician and leader, who applies the two Conversations Worth Having practices in her work. She talks about the importance of shifting the frame around scare resources and shares stories of surprising innovation simply from flipping the frame and asking generative questions.

Video 3From Blame to Discovery: Flipping the Frame (9 min), An interview with Dr. Elizabeth Warner, physician and leader, who applies the two Conversations Worth Having practices in her work. She shares a story of using generative questions to challenge assumptions around a critical conversation and how to frame that conversations for collaborative outcomes, resulting in a surprising outcome for her!

Video 4Conversations Worth Having: An Overview for Healthcare Professionals in the Midst of COVID19 (13 min). Our conversations—with ourselves and one another—influence our health, wellbeing, and success. This introduction to Conversations Worth Having spotlights the neurophysiology behind our words and introduces healthcare professionals to two simple practices, generative questions and positive framing, to create conversations that support resilience, wellbeing, and creativity.

Learn how a Zen chaplain faces the suffering of others:

  • Order Gordon’s book on Facing Suffering

Learn how Zen leaders face into fear:

Experience the bigness that’s possible at the cusp of acceptance:

Gain deeper experience of your own power center for allowing compassion and skills to flow:

  • Order a hara belt, and wear it around your abdomen, under your top or smock, to help generate vital energy at home or at work