Zen Leadership – Zen Leadership – Page 3
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Zen Leadership (Page 3)

ZL1 participants sitting around table
Greenbacks Versus Going Green—What’s A Leader To Do?

Dr. Whitelaw explores the steps companies can take to do purposeful work to go green while remaining profitable.

Together In Loneliness

Andy Robins Roshi explores the connection between loneliness and leadership. He also shares why it does not have to be that way.

What New Year Do You Want To Bring Into Being?

Dr. Whitelaw discusses how synchronicity is not coincidence but science. She also explains how leaders can tune their antenna to sense what is coming next.

Being What is Needed: A Message From kate

Kate Watters, president of the Board of Directors for IZL, explores different ways to be what is needed.

Being What is Needed: Listening With My Body And Senses

Cris Nakano, a member of the Board of Directors for IZL, shares her journey of listening and sensing.

Being What is Needed: A Message From Paul

Paul Sevett, a Zen practitioner, shares what he has learned from IZL and how it has impacted his life.

Being What is Needed: How IZL Can Help you Get There

Dave Stahlberg, a Zen practitioner, shares his experience at a Zen Leader program and how it has impacted his life.

What Is Needed In The World Today?

Dr. Cindy Haq writes about what is needed in the world through the lens of the energy patterns.