Zen Leadership – Zen Leadership – Page 5
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Zen Leadership (Page 5)

ZL1 participants sitting around table
5 Degrees Of Connection: Which Support You As A Leader?

Dr. Ginny Whitelaw writes about Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. There are 5 stages of connection. Which stage are you in?

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

Aug 09 2022

Our days are usually filled with so much doing that stopping is difficult and must be intentional. Sometimes, however, pauses are thrust upon us often through no fault of our own, but through an accident or illness, the pause comes. For some of us COVID was this pause, but for others, we only got busier. 

Facing An Inconvenient Truth Or Inconvenient Consequences

Dr. Ginny Whitelaw writes about the 4 energy patterns we all have access too. How can they help support you?

Launch of Introductory Webinars

We are excited to announce the launch of introductory webinars. Designed to be approachable, these webinars will be succinct overviews of Zen principles and our foundational programs.

Leadership Development 3.0—Energy Included

Energy-infused leadership development could be called version 3.0, which both vitalizes leaders and guides them in making their vital difference in the world around them.

What is Self-Transcendence?

But, for those singular moments when my legs would gain speed and every part of my body would move further and further forward, gaining momentum – I knew what it was to feel connected to all, connected to my true self, connected to nature, connected to something bigger than what I thought of as me.

Saturated with loss

Saturated with loss

Jun 09 2022

On my kitchen windowsill is one of my grandmother’s orchids. I brought it home after she passed away earlier this year as it wasn’t faring so well without her particular care and attention – I understood how it felt. Although I’m still a newbie gardener and have zero experience with orchids, it started to revive and I felt the joy of her presence again.

Becoming The Future We Want

Energy-infused leadership development could be called version 3.0, which both vitalizes leaders and guides them in making their vital difference in the world around them.

What Globalization Taught Leaders—And What They Need To Learn Now

Energy-infused leadership development could be called version 3.0, which both vitalizes leaders and guides them in making their vital difference in the world around them.