emilya – Zen Leadership – Page 6
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emilya (Page 6)

ZL1 participants sitting around table
Becoming The Future We Want

Energy-infused leadership development could be called version 3.0, which both vitalizes leaders and guides them in making their vital difference in the world around them.

What Globalization Taught Leaders—And What They Need To Learn Now

Energy-infused leadership development could be called version 3.0, which both vitalizes leaders and guides them in making their vital difference in the world around them.

Leading As A Land Grab Versus Leading As The Land

Dr. Ginny writes about two kinds of leadership, one that takes and one that recognizes the give and take.

Reflections on Holidays, and the Year, Past

Last Christmas, my family and I were deeply ensconced in life in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. We decided to visit family in the U.K. for six weeks at the end of January. And here we are 11 months later still in the U.K. looking out of our window on a bleak midwinter scene of rain and bare trees in the City of Coventry, a place that we never had any intention of visiting, let alone living.

Raise Your Hand If You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

If you had to sum up this year in one word, what would that word be? For me, based on what I keep bumping into regularly, that word would be ‘overwhelmed’. While the press often refer to the impact of these times as the worst in ‘peacetime’, these are not peaceful times.

A Season of Transformation

Without so much of the ‘usual’ noise to distract us, many blindspots have been obliterated. What can we now see clearly? What truths about ourselves and our world have we met eyeball to eyeball? And what do we do now?

Playground Leadership

Playground Leadership

Sep 09 2020

It is a frightening time for many with not only a deadly virus spreading around the globe, but also, leaders who openly flaunt human rights and democracy, with nothing served but their own self-interests. So where is the hope and where are all the great leaders?

My True Names – George Floyd, Derek Chauvin

This blog post was originally posted on June 10th, 2020 by Rebecca Krantz on her personal blog. Reprinted with permission from Rebecca Krantz and Dr. Adrienne Hampton.

Brave New World

Brave New World

May 18 2020

The U.K. was put into lockdown on 23 March in an unprecedented step to attempt to limit the spread of coronavirus. As we move into week 9 of the crisis, government focus is shifting from the health dangers of the virus and focusing on the consequences of the economic shutdown.