4 Energy Patterns – Zen Leadership
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4 Energy Patterns

ZL1 participants sitting around table
What is FEBI-4U?

What is FEBI-4U?

Jul 11 2023

Dr. Ginny Whitelaw interviews Marcela Kyngesburye, ZL Instructor, about the upcoming FEBI courses and Marcela’s personal interest in FEBI.

FEBI Coach Spotlight – Stacey Bevill

Hi Coaches!  I had the chance to e-interview FEBI Coach Stacey Bevill about her work and FEBI. Question 1 – What attracted you to the FEBI? …

FEBI Coach Spotlight – Rhonda Morton

I had the chance to e-interview FEBI Coach Rhonda Morton about her work and FEBI. Rhonda Morton CEO at  Savannah Consulting Rhonda Morton founded  Savannah…

1 2 3 UP!

1 2 3 UP!

Dec 18 2019

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to work with one of our FEBI coaches, Lynn Punturiere ( learn more about Lynn’s work ). She…

FocusOn, Fall 2017

“There is no illusion greater than fear .”   – Lao Tsu Tensions reach a fever pitch around North Korea. A terrorist bomb explodes in…

Physical Side of Great CEOs

Summer, 2017 The Physical Side of Great CEOs As I often teach leaders, when we tune our perceptive filters to notice certain things, those things…

FEBI, Brain Chemistry, and the New Science of Teamwork

The New Science of Teamwork – Understanding how to meld different work styles will help you manage your team – and yourself – better .…

A Year In Review

A Year In Review

Jan 07 2017

Ah-h-h-h, reveling in this relatively quiet week between the flurry of holidays – a good time to put one year in review and look ahead…

Empowering the Performance Review

It’s that time of the year again and, no, I don’t mean decorated trees, peppermint mocha lattes and overcrowded shopping centers.  If you or your…